You become part of unlimited savings scheme, you save for the future and you will never be worried of future uncertainties.

To make a life time investment through buying shares which you can trade in at any time. This is an investment you will pass over to your children and grand children and you will be remembered as a great Dad or Mom.

You will benefit from Business training programs in starting new businesses and managing Existing business Enterprises.

Your family will be allowed to join UNS-SACCO Uganda and access all the available resources and services.

Access Variety of attractive loan products to meet your immediate needs.


Download Application for Membership Registration

Individuals who are:

  • Above 18 years of age
  • Of sound mind
  • Of good character.

Meeting the membership profile as defined by the UNS-SACCO Board of Directors.

Legal person/similar association whose membership is made up primarily of individuals who meet the eligibility requirements for the SACCO’s membership.

Purchase of at least 50 shares in order to be admitted as a member and UGX 50,000/= being a non-refundable entrance fee.

A spouse, biological or legally adopted child of a UN employee may become a member of the SACCO under terms & conditions as determined by the Board.